Blog Post December 2017 by Wendy Dobing

Posted on December 31, 2017 at 4.25 PM

  Rainy days

As I write this it is the last day of 2017 and people are preparing to bring the new year in at the stroke of midnight. This one might be a bit different though as "Storm Dylan" is coming. Storms in the UK are really just a lot of wind and rain. Apparently we're in for it tonight and tomorrow. The thing is, before the weather service started to name the storms, rain, especially winter rain, is what the UK is famous for.

I spent long periods in the Middle East and during that time I missed the rain. Everyone loves the British rain even if they say they don't. There's a beauty in it, things look different, and, if you look hard enough, you will see the beauty. Next time it rains look more closely, don't frown. It's the liquid of fairies.

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